Status Local. Habitats where the foodplant occurs. Similar to Hornet Moth, but smaller with black head and shoulders.
Up until 2020, adults were rarely recorded as no pheromone lure was available. In July 2020 a new lure (LUN) became available and records have increased dramatically.
Adult moths can also be found by day in early mornings freshly emerged from Willow trunks. Overwinters twice as larva.
There are records from a wide scatting of locations throughout the county, and could occur wherever there are reasonably long established sallows or osiers.
Pheromone attractants: LUN (NEW in 2020) Pheromone activity times: Daytime Anglian Lepidopterist Supplies
Please note: Hornet Moth (Sesia apiformis) is reported as also being attracted to the lun lure. Please check species identification carefully.
Hornet Moth: Yellow head and shoulders Lunar Hornet Moth: Black head and shouldersRecorded in 43 (58%) of 74 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1874. Last Recorded in 2024. Additional Stats |