Status Nationally Rare. Restricted to, but well established and regularly recorded, often in good numbers, only in the Norfolk Broads.
Occurs in the Ant and Bure Marshes (with a strong colony on the BC reserve at Catfield Fen), Hickling Broad, Martham Broad, Yare River system (Surlingham Broad) and at the Strumpshaw RSPB reserve near Ranworth.
First ever recorded by Mr Fenn at Ranworth on 4th August 1864. (Ent. 5. 234. 1870)
The larva, which is grey with brownish-yellow stripes, and is quite different from other Photedes larvae, feed on Common Reed, initially in the stems and later on the leaves, over-wintering as an egg. Often recorded in areas where the reeds are regularly cut, with good numbers reported 2-3 years after cutting.
The ochreous colour of the forewing varies from grey to red hues, usually showing a short dark basal streak, however in form f. sinelinea the basal streak is absent.
S41 - UK BAP priority species.  | Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required. | |
Recorded in 5 (7%) of 74 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1864. Last Recorded in 2023. Additional Stats |