Status Immigrant. (Probable new local resident)
Caution, records often entered in error for Four-dotted Footman !
Only the females have the spots and often there appears to be only three, as the wings overlap when at rest.
The widespread records in Norfolk suggest this species possibly now resident in the county.
In 2008 the discovery of a larva of Four-spotted Footman in the Brecks was thought to be the first confirmed breeding record for the species in Norfolk. We presumed it to be progeny from the large influx during 2006, although, interestingly, virtually all the records then concerned males. Unfortunately, this record is now thought to be a mistakenly identified Red-necked Footman larva! Ken SaulRecorded in 39 (53%) of 74 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1834. Last Recorded in 2024. Additional Stats |