Status This European species was originally included on the British list on the basis of a single non-authenticated specimen listed by Stephens (1829) in the London area, and catalogued in the collection at the BMNH, noted as doubtfully British. No evidence of breeding in the UK.
The second and third British records of the species were recently taken at Bawdsey, Suffolk (M. Deans, 28/06/10 and 30/06/10) These are thought to be immigrants.
A fourth British and first Norfolk record was taken at Weston "Dinosaur" Park during a Norfolk Moth Survey field meeting on 25/06/11 (gen. det. J. Clifton)
New for VC28 in 2018 at Weeting Heath (J. Symonds, 22/06/18 Gen. Det. J. Clifton)
Several records in the following years.  | Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required. | |
Recorded in 15 (20%) of 74 10k Squares. First Recorded in 2011. Last Recorded in 2024. Additional Stats |