Verified records added to the NOLA County database, shared with NBIS and Butterfly Conservation.
Norfolk is split for the purposes of biological recording in to two vice-counties (East Norfolk VC27 and West Norfolk VC28) The vice-county border also differs in some locations from the modern administrative county border. |
Please note we do not directly receive records or support online systems other than those listed below.
Please read and agree to our Data & Privacy Policy before submitting records or photos.
- Preferred - Norfolk Moths Online Recorder - Online, direct Norfolk moth recording. Store and view all your records and photos. - Click Here
- Preferred - Express Recorder - Fast and easy, 'express record' links and buttons on every species page.
- Spreadsheet - Pre-formatted spreadsheet... Norfolk_Moths_Spreadsheet_2024.xlsx
Updated 2024 version (right click and save)
- MapMate™ - Export to Norfolk Moths. Click Here
- iRecord™ - Records entered on iRecord will only be extracted annually. You can search for record status by iRecord key. Click Here